Scott has played troubled Andy Dixon since he was 15 years old. Scott graduated from King School (a prep school in Connecticut) and made his New York stage debut in the play, Coming of Age in Soho at the New York Shakespeare Festival's Public Theater.
Scott enjoys all sports, including golf, hockey, baseball, and skiing.
1985 to 1995 [contract]; 1997 to 2000 [recurring]
DATE OF BIRTH: September 9, 1969
PLACE OF BIRTH: Boston, Massachusetts; raised in Hudson, Massachusetts
HAIR: Light Brown/Dirty Blond
MARITAL STATUS: Married, Maura West [Jan 22, 2000]
CHILDREN: Son, Joseph Peter DeFreitas [Mar 29, 2000]; Daughter, Katherine Marie [Jan 9, 2002 at 2:40pm; weighed 8lbs. 10 oz.]; Son, Basil John DeFreitas [Jan 30, 2007]; Daughter, Birdie West DeFreitas [Jun 16, 2009; weighed 7 lbs 13 oz, measured 20 inches long
News Archive: West, husband expecting their fifth child. [Jan 26, 2009]
News Archive: West, DeFreitas welcome a little Birdie. [Jan 19, 2009]