Daniel Covin has been cast in the role of Hunter, an apparent newly created character for All My Children's reboot under Prospect Park's production.
"Hyped to let you know I just booked the role of Hunter on the all new All My Children," Covin announced on Twitter. "I start filming on Thursday!"
Hunter popped up in audition scripts in scenes with "Charlotte," which turned out to be code for Miranda Montgomery. In the sample scenes -- which aren't necessarily going to air as written on the show -- Hunter is seen hitting on Miranda, who doesn't appear to be interested in the teen Romeo's advances.
"I've known a lot of girls who get pretty whacked out when they think I don't want to date them," Hunter coos to Miranda.
It is unclear at this time if the name Hunter is also being used to shield the true identity of the character.
In his online profile, Colvin describes himself as an "aspiring actor." Covin is also partners with Timothy Scott in the clothing line, Fully Faded.