Stefan returns and Katherine comes in, asking where he was. They are both thankful for Nikolas' recovery but Stefan doesn't believe Robin is responsible for it. He leaves the room to make a phone call. Katherine picks his jacket up from the couch and the check he wrote to Robin falls out.
Lucky doesn't believe what Nikolas is saying. Nikolas informs him that Luke killed his father and raped their mother. Lucky thinks this is just all a plan the Cassadines have to get him to turn against his father.
Carly searches and screams for her missing son. Jason walks in and asks what happened and who took him. He runs outside for a minute and then comes back. He wants her to explain everything; She tells him about the mysterious call from Edward. Jason believes this could be someone in the organization trying to get back at him. He doesn't want anyone to know about this, especially the police. Carly is barely listening to him and he makes her see things his way. He instructs her to go and find the desk clerk and tell him it was all a misunderstanding. Taggert and Garcia walk in (too late to hide it from the police).
Sarah calls Wyndemere and Katherine answers. She's heard about the progress Nikolas is making and would like to speak with him. Katherine informs her that he's made a full recovery and is on his way to see her. Excited, Sarah says goodbye.
Stefan comes back from making his call and Katherine confronts him about the check; he lied to her about his whereabouts and she wants to know why.
Lucky asks Nikolas for proof and when Nikolas gives it to him he thinks it's still all a lie. Nikolas tells him to find someone he trusts and ask them, if not research it himself; October 8th is the day to remember.
Katherine calls Stefan on what he did and she can't understand why he sees everyone as a threat. All she wants to do is help. She lets him know he should not try to run Nikolas' life. She even thinks his perceptions can be warped. Maybe all that he's told her about Helena isn't so true after all. This enrages Stefan and he warns her not to pursue this any further.
Nikolas goes to Sarah's house and he tells her he's sorry; the two embrace.
Lucky goes home looking for his father but he's not there. He leaves.
Taggert and Garcia got a call that a baby was missing. Jason tries to play it off but Carly tells them that her child is missing. Garcia asks her to remember everything and she gets upset all over again. Taggert tells Jason he brought this upon himself, leaving the baby alone with his mother. Taggert guesses it was someone trying to get back at Jason. They will wait until they are contacted about a ransom. Jason wants to look on his own but they won't allow it. Garcia lets the desk clerk know that he must keep what happened there a secret.
Garcia and Taggert don't have a read on this yet but Taggert thinks it has something to do with Jason's business dealings.
Carly thinks back to the night she first held her baby and then told Bobbie she was her daughter. She also remembers telling Jason how she talked to Michael and he recognized her voice. At this moment Bobbie walks in and asks the detectives if it's true. They want to know how she found out and she tells them Carly called her. Carly says it was before they told her to keep it quite. Bobbie accuses Carly of leaving the baby on purpose and thinks this wasn't an accident.
Sarah is glad to see Nikolas is feeling better. He apologizes for not seeing her, he was embarrassed and frustrated. All he could think about was how it used to be and what it may never be like again. She tells him she could have helped him but he doesn't want to dwell in the past.
Katherine apologizes to Stefan but still thinks she deserves an explanation. She wants to be someone he trusts. Stefan warns her that Helena is a monster and her feelings for Nikolas are not real.
Lucky goes to the library and researches events in Luke's life. He sees the article that cleared Luke of Stavros' death as well as others. The last article he comes to is the one about a rape victim found in the park.
Sarah tells Nikolas all about school and lets him know they can still have fun. He gets up to leave and promises to call her later on. He gives her a kiss goodbye.
Carly yells at Bobbie and Jason tells her to keep it quite. Bobbie has tears in her eyes and promises not to say a word. She starts to offer her help but Carly tells her to go to hell.
Carly is afraid that maybe Bobbie was right but Jason doesn't believe that. He just wants them to go home.
Nikolas goes home and Katherine asks how things went with Sarah. She assures him that they'll be a lesson in all of this. He says there already is.
Lucky reads the article.
Jason promises that they'll find him but they have to get out of the hotel first.
As they wait at the penthouse for a call from the kidnappers, an anxious Jason and Carly decide to go confront their prime suspects. At Wyndemere, Nikolas confides to Stefan he may have made a mistake. Meanwhile, Lucky asks his mother to describe the very first time she met his dad. Though Laura claims it was love at first sight, Lucky continues to worry that Nikolas' wild tale may contain a grain of truth. Jason storms into his family's mansion with Carly in tow and demands that Edward return Michael. Alarmed to learn about the baby's abduction, the Quartermaines deny that they had a hand in the crime. Stefan assures Nikolas that proof does exist about Luke's attack on Laura. Lucky approaches Scotty with questions about the night his mother was raped. Taggert and Garcia quiz Edward about his earlier attempt to steal his great-grandson. Listening to Edward's emotional remarks about baby Michael, Jason realizes he was mistaken in accusing his grandfather. Dodging Lucky's direct question about Luke, Scotty gently advises the boy to stop poking around in ancient history. Carly guesses that Tony took her baby out of revenge.
Excited about hosting her first party at Wyndemere, Katherine puts the finishing touches on preparations for Felicia's bridal shower. At the Quartermaine mansion, Alan reminds his anxious family that they must continue to pretend nothing is wrong as they fulfill social and business obligations. Later, with his illicit pill supply running low yet again, Alan heads back to the hospital to stock up. Unable to stop thinking about their missing grandson, Bobbie and Monica put on their bravest faces as they join the party on Spoon Island. Robin blushes when Nikolas catches her admiring a sexy article of lingerie intended as a gift for the bride. Meanwhile, the rest of the guests giggle after mistaking a hunky plumber for a male stripper. Feeling bad about deceiving all her friends, Felicia announces that she's called off the wedding. Tess instructs "James" to hire her on as the Outback's new mixologist. Amy is alarmed to find Alan passed out in his office next to an open vial of pills. After bringing him around, Amy begs her friend to get help for his chemical dependency but Alan insists he has no drug problem. AJ suggests to Ned that he use his influence with Jason to get him to reveal who snatched Michael. Felicia feels frustrated when her pals pooh-pooh her declaration as nothing but a natural case of prenuptial jitters. Desperate to convince Amy he only took a few pills to get him through a family crisis, Alan tells the nurse his grandson has been kidnapped. Robin rebuffs Helena's attempt to befriend herRecap --->
Mac and Felicia continue to pretend they are engaged. Tess walks up and Felicia leaves. Tess questions Mac, who she thinks is Jimmy, as to why someone with his past reputation with women hasn't spent the night with Felicia yet. Meanwhile, Brenda arrives at Jax' penthouse to bring him presents. The presents are books that were his favorite in childhood and Jax is happy to get them. Brenda then notices an uncomplimentary article about her in a rag magazine. Brenda starts to read it and can't understand how they could print the story. Jax tells her it is because they have a quote from Mac claiming she is a ticking time-bomb. Brenda doesn't understand how Mac could have done this to her so she and Jax leave to confront Mac.
Lucky Justus Tony Jax Dara Lucky Carly
Sarah and Nikolas have dinner together and Sarah tells him how much she missed him. She also asks why he never wrote her back even though he read her letter. Nikolas tells her it was because it would have been like her receiving a letter from a kindergartner. They continue to talk, but Nikolas stops in the middle of one of his sentences when he sees Robin and Jax walk in. Nikolas tells Sarah they will have to stop by Robin's table and say "hello" and Sarah is surprised, telling him she doesn't realize he and Robin were friends. Meanwhile, Jax and Robin sit down and they start to talk about Robin's take on the Cassadines. Jax then tells Robin he is suspicious of why she asked him to eat and wants to know what Brenda is up to.
Bobbie Tony Jax
At the penthouse, Luke continues to wait for Jason. He tells Carly that it isn't her fault that Michael was kidnapped, but she should have known better not to leave him for a second considering the nature of Jason's business. Edward arrives and he and Luke swap insults. Luke leaves and Edward tries to comfort Carly telling her he came over to keep her company knowing Jason would leave her alone. He then tries to get Carly to come back to the Q house with him to wait for news. Carly tells him she can't because everyone hates her and Edward tells her no one hates her and she isn't at fault here, Jason is. Carly then expresses her thanks for Jason and all he has done for her and tells Edward that if he is there to put Jason down, he can leave. Edward apologizes, but leaves anyway.
Robin Robin Bobbie Jason